Code is art / Est. 2015

Programming with JavaScript online mentored course in Barcelona Code School


JavaScript programming course in Barcelona Code School

Learn logic, syntax and usage of JavaScript!

4 weeks, part-time, online, in ENglish

  • 4 weeks of online hands-on training
  • 4 personal 1:1 sessions with your mentor
  • 24/7 acces to support platform
  • 13 unique video-lessons
  • More than 90 coding challenges to complete
  • All the materials are in English
  • From beginner to advanced level
  • Learn the 'language of the web' in one go
  • 6 months access to the materials
  • Certificate of completion

What you'll learn

  • Programming logic
  • Variables
  • Comparison operators
  • Built-in methods
  • Data types
  • Arrays
  • Strings
  • Loops
  • Conditionals
  • Functions
  • Objects
  • ES6 syntax, recursion, scope
  • Classes, prototypes, inheritance
  • Constructors
  • Array methods
  • Practicing advanced JavaScript

The outcomes

After this course you will have a strong understanding of the logic, syntax and usage of pure JavaScript.

You will be ready to move on to add these new skills to your web applications and continue further learnig by moving into front-end or back-end web development.

Ability to solve programming challenges with JS by splitting them into logical steps and using algorithms for finding the best solution.



Single payment, paid upon registration, start immediately!.

Instalment payments are available at the checkout

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How it works

  • Sign up through this page
  • Fill out student's form we will send you
  • Get the materials including texts, videos and exercises with testing platform
  • Start learning
  • Access support platform 24/7 to post code-related questions and get help
  • Book your 1:1 sessions from our calender
  • Go through the lectures and complete exercises for each block of the curriculum
  • Test your solutions with the provided automatic tests
  • Push your code to GitLab to get feedback/review from us
  • Get yourt certificate once finished


Programming with JavaScript online course

4 weeks mentored, part-time, online

By signing up you agree to the Terms and Conditions stated on the website.

Inquiry about the course

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